2010-07-21 - LBJ 800s


~8.9 miles @ ~10 min/mi

As the sun rises I spy a big baggy pair of reversible black/white nylon shorts by the sidewalk on the way to the LBJ High School Track. When they're still lying there in the grass during my return trip I snag them; they're missing a waist cord but may be reparable. This morning I mostly have the track to myself, though at first there's a young guy jogging, in the middle a woman walks laps as her daughter kicks a soccer ball, and at the end one of the friendly lady walkers I saw on 2010-07-15 - LBJ Ladder arrives and commences her stroll. We exchange "Good Morning!" greetings.

"Yasso 800s" are today's prescription: ten 800 meter repeats. It's warm and humid even at 7am: I doff my singlet and fling sweat droplets when I shake my head during the 200m recovery interval walks. After the 1.4 mile jog to the school the splits are 3:47 + 3:53 + 3:47 + 3:48 + 3:53 + 3:56 + 3:55 + 3:56 + 3:54 + 3:41—whew!—that last one requiring extensive walking to recover.

(cf. 2006-07-07 - Texas Homecoming Speedwork, 2006-07-12 - Slower Texas Speedwork, 2009-07-16 - Texas Speedwork, ...) - ^z - 2010-08-07